Sunday, January 24, 2021

Does Gerd Cause Lower Back Pain

Stress can cause gerd in some people 2 and dealing with severe back pain, especially when it lingers or becomes chronic, can be stressful in addition to the discomfort, chronic pain can prevent a person from working or doing activities they enjoy, such as playing a sport or going out with friends. Does gerd cause lower back pain. If back pain is sudden and searing, this would not be caused by acid reflux, but more likely a compressed nerve in the spine if back pain that’s sudden and severe occurs while you’re lifting or straining physically, then you can attribute this to a spasming or overloaded muscle.

does gerd cause lower back pain

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Acid reflux and back pain good things to eat if you have acid reflux learn more when acid builds in your stomach and travels back up the esophagus, it can cause discomfort and pain 1 typically the pain is felt in the stomach, chest and abdomen but it can also radiate into other places, such as the upper back. Back pain due to acid reflux should be treated in different way, here the cause should be treated and back pain will diminish of its own. acid reflux can be treated with avoiding acidic food, restricting alcohol and smoking, smaller meals frequently, proper posture at night.. Chest pain can make you wonder if you’re having a heart attack. it can also be one of the common symptoms of acid reflux. generally, you can tell the cause of chest pain by its location, the.

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