Friday, March 12, 2021

Is Acid Reflux A Respiratory Disease

Summary reflux is the cause of much respiratory disease more commonly still, it is the unrecognised agent provoking the symptoms of respiratory disease that the reflux entering the airways from the gastrointestinal tract is central to the diagnosis, therapy and understanding of respiratory pathology has been missed because the paradigm of peptic disease has been applied. Is acid reflux a respiratory disease. The association between asthma and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (gord) has been debated for decades, 1, 2 and epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown this association in adults and children 3– 6 a causative relation is still unclear, even though acid perfusion of the lower oesophagus may induce bronchoconstriction in animal models 7 and in humans, 8, 9 probably mediated through a.

is acid reflux a respiratory disease

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more info is acid reflux a respiratory disease---> click here