Treatment of acid reflux in dogs medications and dietary restrictions are necessary to manage acid reflux but if it is caused by a hiatal hernia surgery will also be needed food is often restricted for a day or two and then a low-fat and low-protein food is fed in small, frequent intervals throughout the day. Acid reflux medications for dogs. Acid reflux in dogs medication acid reflux in dogs medication options are available to help relieve the symptoms pro-kinetic agents are some of the drugs you can use they improve how the contents of the stomach move within the digestive system there also are medicines aimed at strengthening the sphincter muscle.
acid reflux medications for dogs
Feeding a dog with acid reflux since diet can be a major contributor to the intensity of acid reflux, changing how you feed your dog is a key part of any treatment plan your veterinarian may also advise you to stick with this diet long-term if acid reflux is a chronic problem for your dog. Gastroesophageal reflux is fairly common in dogs, and may occur at any age, although younger dogs are at greater risk. the gastric stomach acid, pepsin, bile salts, and other components of the gastrointestinal juices cause damage to the protective mucus lining the esophagus. this can result in inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).. For treating acid reflux in dogs at home, the best treatment is to give antacids. these can help neutralize stomach acids so that the esophagus does not get very irritated. if the problem is severe, take the dog to a vet. the vet will prescribe medication for acid reflux in dog..