Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid leaks out of the stomach and up into the esophagus the primary symptom is heartburn, which is an uncomfortable, burning sensation in the chest. What is the best prescription medication for acid reflux in india. Antacids popular over-the-counter medications like tums, maalox, rolaids and mylanta neutralize stomach acid and provide fast-acting relief in mild or isolated cases of acid reflux.
what is the best prescription medication for acid reflux in india
Are there prescription medicines to help my acid reflux disease? answer your doctor may suggest more than one type or suggest you try a combination of medications such as these:. What do you think is the best medicine for acid reflux? while taking prescription medications, such as ppis, you should always follow the recommendations of your physician. below are issues that relate to your question. the purpose of ppis, h2 blockers (such as zantac), and antacids (such as tums) is simple: to relieve or control your gerd. Heartburn drugs are commonly prescribed by medical practitioners and are generally effective and safe to use. they provide a long term effect as compared to antacids and other over the counter medications for the treatment of acid reflux. however, each tablet has its own effects and can be dangerous if the indicated doses are not followed..