Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Acid Reflux Ulcer

However, when acid reflux occurs frequently and is left untreated, it can lead to conditions such as esophagitis, ulcers, strictures, aspiration pneumonia, and barrett’s esophagus. Acid reflux ulcer. Chronic acid reflux is a major risk factor for ulcers of the esophagus and may, in some cases, lead to strictures and even cancer ulcers of the stomach and duodenum hamper with the normal digestive process and can perforate the stomach this perforation can leak stomach contents which could start off a chain of even more damaging health events.

acid reflux ulcer

Home Remedies for Sour Stomach - HRF

Home remedies for sour stomach - hrf

H126 Pill Images (Yellow / Elliptical / Oval)

more info acid reflux ulcer---> click here