Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Gerd Heaviness In Chest

A heavy feeling in the chest can have a range of causes, from anxiety or depression to problems with the heart or lungs in this article, learn about the possible causes and how to treat them. Gerd heaviness in chest. In addition to heartburn, acid reflux can cause pressure or tightness in the chest, with pain that can range from dull to excruciating in some cases, these symptoms may be impossible to distinguish from those of a heart attack or cardiac chest pain, which is why evaluation by a doctor is so important.

gerd heaviness in chest

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I’ve been having kind of pressure or heaviness feeling on chest and some random slight pain on left side of my chest area that comes and goes it is usually after meals like extreem feeling of fullness in chest and stomach that makes me wanna have deep breath doc said this disease doesn’t cause pain she said could be acid reflux or gerd. A heavy chest is of course a cause for concern for many people. a heart attack is described as having the symptoms of ‘heavy pressure’ on the chest that feels like it is restricting breathing and of pain in the shoulder and shortness of breath. as chest heaviness is one of the primary symptoms, then this is of course a cause of alarm.. Chest pain that accompanies frequent heartburn can be treated with proton pump inhibitors (ppis).a ppi is a type of medication that reduces acid production in your stomach..

more info gerd heaviness in chest---> click here