Monday, August 2, 2021

Acid Reflux Inner Ear

In fact there was one study which covered how pepsin effected the middle ear and there was a correlation to show the pepsin was affecting and damaging the inner ear caused by acid reflux – you can read the study here if you didn’t know pepsin is a digestive enzyme that is produced in the stomach to help break down proteins. Acid reflux inner ear. Scientists suggest that patients who experience dizziness alongside their acid reflux may be due to gastric acids irritating the ear, which could lead to ear infections the study reported that 776% of patients with peripheral vertigo were also diagnosed with acid reflux compared to 26% of patients without reflux symptoms.

acid reflux inner ear

Foods That Cause Dizziness | LIVESTRONG.COM

Foods that cause dizziness | livestrongcom

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That refluxed material irritates the part of the inner ear responsible for balance, and the patient experiences vertigo or dizzy spells along the same vein as the study mentioned, acid reflux. If however, they persist, then evaluation with an ear nose and throat physician to rule out throat cancer is recommended. i have been taking aciphex for acid reflux and have developed severe. Your ears ring. if your ears always ring, especially after a meal, it may be caused by reflux getting into the sinuses and even the interior of the ear, says dr. sam. “a lot of patients see their ent to get consults about sinus pain and ear ringing, but it’s often acid reflux,” she says..

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